6 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4DN GB
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One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes

One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes

3 1 Bewertung aus 1 verifizierten Bewertung
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One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes in London

Opening the Pinter at the Pinter season is a dynamic collection of his most potent and dangerous political plays.

The incendiary One for the Road is Pinter at his most terrifying: a ruthless government official interrogates a dissident and his family, but is the torturer more tortured than his victims?

The New World Order explores how the abuse of power is legitimised in the name of freedom and democracy, as two brutal interrogators prepare to inflict their terrible punishment on a blind-folded insurgent.

Pinter investigates the suppression of ideas and the supposed threat of non-conformity in Mountain Language: a group of captives attempt to find a voice when their shared language is banned by the state.

Ashes to Ashes, directed by award-winning actress and long-time Pinter collaborator, Lia Williams is a richly atmospheric and compelling play in which the dark nightmare of human atrocity infiltrates a couple’s living room.

The world premiere of Pinter’s newly-discovered satirical sketch, The Pres and an Officer, an anarchic attack on the Presidency, will be performed by a variety of surprise guest stars across the short run, directed by Jamie Lloyd.

Cast includes Paapa Essiedu, Kate O'flynn, Antony Sher, Jonjo O’Neill and Maggie Steed.

A special pre-show charity performance of Pinter’s Nobel Lecture Art, Truth and Politics will be performed by Mark Rylance at 6pm Tuesday 2 October in aid of Stop the War.

Photo credit: Marc Brenner

About the Pinter at the Pinter season

The Jamie Lloyd Company presents a complete season of Harold Pinter's one-act plays to celebrate the legacy of the Nobel Prize-winning British writer on the 10th anniversary of his death. This unique theatrical event will play at the Harold Pinter Theatre from 6 September 2018 to 23 February 2019, and promises an unforgettable celebration of the "most influential, provocative and poetic dramatist of his generation" (The Guardian).

Offizielle Theaterkarten für One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes

Unser zentrales Reservierungssystem verbindet Sie direkt mit dem Kassensystem des Harold Pinter Theatre. Wir bieten Live- und vollständige Verfügbarkeit von Tickets für One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes, von VIP- und Premium-Tickets bis hin zu ermäßigten Tickets, und helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der perfekten Tickets für Ihr Budget. Wählen Sie Ihre Sitzplätze aus unserem interaktiven Sitzplan aus und erhalten Sie Ihre Theaterkarten sofort nach der Buchung per E-Mail. Legen Sie einfach Ihre E-Tickets am Theatertag vor und erleben Sie, was London und das West End am besten zu bieten haben: die Magie des Theaters. Der Kauf von Tickets für One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes war noch nie so einfach.

Informationen zum Ticket

  • Buchung bis:

    Freitag, 19. Oktober 2018

  • Stornierungen und Rückerstattungen

    Nach der Buchung sind Tickets für One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes gemäß unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen normalerweise nicht umtauschbar und nicht erstattungsfähig. In der Praxis werden wir jedoch unser Bestes tun, um Ihrem Wunsch nachzukommen, sofern wir mindestens 48 Stunden vor der Aufführung benachrichtigt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen.

Günstige One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes Eintrittskarten

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One For The Road / The New World Order / Mountain Language / Ashes to Ashes Zuschauerbewertungen

3 von 5 1 Bewertung

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